Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Just Your Ordinary Superhero

The completely unrealistic world in my head somehow seems to think that I can cook all meals from scratch, make my own baby food, garden, can, sew my children's clothing, do all of my own home improvement, find time to do the most involved art project in the world, home school, clean, do laundry, look and feel sexy, and somehow make it through the day in one piece.  Pinterest only adds to this madness by introducing me to millions more projects that are impossible to take on.  My 'to do list' is becoming an unrealistic mountain, when in reality the only mountain I need to be focusing on is the dirty laundry that is breeding on my closet floor. 
It's great to have drive.  I might have a little too much.  I want to pursue the things that I am passionate for, but also need balance.  And sometimes balance says...'do I stay up late and collage, or do I sleep and not want to hurt my children the next day?' 
We can't compare ourselves to other women who seem to do EVERYTHING right.  *Gag*  We can't browse Pinterest and let inadequacy grip us because we don't have time to make everything look like magic and rainbows.  It's not about the appearance of what we do.  It's the love we put into it that counts.  My children's birthday parties might not be themed with 3 foot tall birthday cakes made of gold, but my boys know that their sloppy, crooked, BUT DELICIOUS cake was handmade by a mother who loves them down to their favorite flavor.  Kids don't care about how awesome their party hats are, or how intricate the details.  They just want to feel celebrated and loved.  And well folks, that's the easy part.
So just breathe.  Take ten.  Come back at life with the realization that it's not what you do, it's who you are...and how you love.

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