Friday, October 28, 2011

Between Trapezes

Today.  A day to move forward; to rely fully on a God who I know I can trust.  I hope my day is full of disruptions to higher ways.  New paths are coming.  My faith is not romanticized...things are hard.  In fact, they are promised to be hard.  But through the toughness of letting go of what I have always relied upon to help me 'cope,' I am entering a life more fully lived.  I am still unlearning all of the hurtful habits I run to, all of the emotions that have proven toxic....and I will get to a higher level of glory with each step that I take.  Sometimes in the process however, it can just feel like I'm in between trapezes.  I have let go of what I thought was holding me stable, and am still in mid-air.....waiting for the next bar to appear.   Thankfully though, I know that it will.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Inspiration, Magic, and Whimsy!

Connect-the-dot tattoo

Drilled pumpkins
Sax on the beach

Changing colors

Hieronymus Bosch
and amazing gourd art!