Saturday, March 31, 2012


If truth should really be told,
We find that we all fall short.
And as we digress, we collect stow aways;
tokens of lies that lodge in the shell of our lives.
Our bodies tell us what our minds repress.

Immersed in death,
And all because we stopped asking the right questions...

I fell.  I fall.  I qualify because of....

And grace?
She walks with us,
In every soiled step we take.

We are misled by lies that promise passion.
But I have never felt the kiss...
Have you?
Only the sting and staleness of a cold cold death.

If truth be told,
There is no guarantee that says we stop falling.
But...the landing place is different.

We fell...
Into His arms.
And after that,
We aren't so easily confused.
We no longer accept destruction for beauty.

And as we go right on falling,
Grace goes right on catching!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Out with the Old, In with the New


I know it's been so long since I've written, sigh, but I have just been one tired mama. 
Between apartment hunting, homeschooling, spring cleaning, rearranging, and running endless errands, I have been one totally burnt lady. 

Now with a house in mind and our current house all clean and'll be time to start packing before we know it.  Ugh and yay!  I am excited for the big changes that are coming...namely little boy number 3 due to arrive in early June.  But I am getting extremely stoked about the new house, new endeavors, and the simplicity I swear I will adhere to no matter what life brings.  With all of the newness that is coming I have truly been able to see my life and what really matters with far more clarity than I have in the past.  All I want my life's focus to be is God, my family, and the people I hold so dear to my heart. 

Let's all rid our lives of the things that just lag us down with weight and are void of life.  With the beauty sprouting all around us, let's remember our true place in this world and make time to be that beauty for the people around us.   Our lives are truly for one another....not things....or places....but the simplicity of relationship.  And if you let everything go that shouldn't have a hold on your heart, you will find peace, and in that peace, you will learn to live fully alive.

Happy Spring everyone!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Pukey Hibernation

I've finally come out of my weekend hibernation.  It wasn't a pleasant or relaxing hibernation.  More like the kind where you're curled up and fetal, crying for your mommy as you battle your gut-wrenching queasiness.  I am thankful though that the pukes were short lived because I am pregnant and have nothing else for my body to surrender.
As a busy mom, the idea seemed thrilling (sick or not) to hold this golden pass that allowed me to stay in bed and be waited on all day.  Oh...and the sweet bliss of sleep!  So with the guilt gone, my husband took over my duties, as he selflessly put his on hold.  And I slept.  It was interrupted with bathroom trips, little rowdy boys climbing on me for hugs, my husband forcing me to stay hydrated, and my body just waking itself to remind me just how crummy I really felt.

BUT...two days after my sleepathon, I awoke to reality.  I felt better!  My responsibility-free days were over.  So I did what any self-respecting mom and wife would do.......I milked one more l o n g nap, then got to my feet and again tied the apron strings.