Friday, August 23, 2013

Where I Stand/Mass Apology

I'm just going to say this as a disclaimer for all my future posts or responses:  I do not aim to please people, but have learned (somewhat) to bridle my tongue...especially when I know my words will fall on deaf ears anyway.  I also try to follow the Spirit and not my own opinion.  It is rare that I say something from the heart and don't mean in from a stance of love.  So even when I am wrong, my intention is NEVER to be mean or hurtful.  I'm serious about this.  If it's something that I feel irritation over, than I wouldn't have told you until I was at a  peaceful place and can share with love and brotherhood.  But I cannot sit by and hear Christian's say things that are so off-the-wall anymore.  I want to be peaceful, but I also want to unveil Truth. 
Our culture has become so afraid of offending people, and I admit, that I have adopted this into my theology from the many times I was accused of 'not being a Christian' because I was not allowing myself to be a doormat.  I apologize for all future offenses that I may cause, and invite you to please put down your armor, and have a conversation with me if I say ANYTHING that you can't move forward without harboring in your heart. 
That being said, let's all try to (me included), hear Truth for what it is, no matter where or who it is coming from, and not get offended so easily to begin with.  We shouldn't fight each other, we should be standing together against the powers that be.  Let's let Truth infiltrate our hearts to a greater level of revolution.  So...sorry in advance.

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