Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Beauty Scandal

This is the scandal of modern day beauty.  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Insert any anorexic, white, model into this doesn't matter. This kind of beauty is more of an illusion than a true sentiment.   Smoke and mirrors, Photoshop, an unspoken vote of the masses.  Beauty is superficial, in-genuine, and completely void of meaning

Beauty can be deceptive.  For 'that which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.'  Like the bite of an alluring apple.  You can't assume that beauty equals goodness.  If that were the case than society would be at its finest.  But if you look past the external, x-raying the heart of society, we'd realize it's not a heart at all, but a bunch of mechanical gears.  There's a rot that began as comparison and jealousy, giving way to consumerism and want, want, want.   


Beauty is life-giving, not exhausting.  It's not about keeping up with the masses, continually seeking the 'right' image, a stirring of discontent that belittles us as humans; a lie that says we are never good enough unless.  Unless.

It's not an irregularity or flaw that diminishes the value of something.  It's the ravenous appetite for lipstick and lace.  There is beauty all around, it's our job to search it out like a treasure.   We were designed in love.  We are physiologically unique.  Our beauty is fierce and cuts through the graffiti of popularity.  We have greatness in our hearts, so let's call that greatness from each other instead of cutting each other down because of mere image.  There is beauty in your details. in your thoughts, in your guts.  You hold the world inside of you, don't let diets and fads snuff that out.


Participate in the natural beauty that is all around you.  Hummingbirds and mountains.  Lands far, far away that are pregnant with life.  Live your life looking for the treasure where you think there is none.  That will be the place of deepest magic.  Where nothing is contrived, and the moments seem to stand still.  There you will find hope.  

Your heart holds more meaning than plump lips.  Be ravenous for the beauty in gesture and pleasantries rather than style and acceptability.  I promise you be more fulfilled than when you're wardrobe was at it's best.

'Beauty is not in the face, it is a light in the heart.' -Kahlil Gibran

'Her life improved dramatically when she decided to break the rules and find beauty where she'd been told there was none.'

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