Friday, December 28, 2012

Resolutions, Revolutions

I don't typically make New Year's Resolutions because I always figured if something needed to change I should just flow with it in that moment.  Let the change happen as it may.  But this year, with so much going on, I just felt encouraged to 'see' the things that I aspire towards. 

  • Family Walks  I really want to start taking daily walks again with my family.  It was such a time of bonding and unwinding at the end of the day.  We really like the time to regroup and refocus our attentions towards each other and just breathe a little. 
  • Relationship  I want my relationship with God to be at a crazy new level this year.  I want to be consumed by His heart, and really rid myself of any of the hardness that is residing inside of me still.  I am excited to awaken more fully.
  • Minimizing  I feel like our lives have turned towards the crazy end of consumption and it is my goal to once again stay simple this year.  I don't want to buy anything that I don't need unless it really has a special meaning and a proper place.  I want our home to feel less cluttered and not have the nagging stress of 'now, where does this go?'  I want to save the money I am tempted to spend and put it towards something that really matters....a donation to International Justice for an entire family via Compassion International?
  • Real Food or No Food  I don't know how it's happened, but we have started down that road of processed food, one donut at a time.  It is time to get out the cook books AT EVERY MEAL, and take out all of the refined no no's that do our health in. 
  • A Little Something for Me  I have been super burnt out lately, and that is not even like me.  I have to make a little wiggle room for the things I love in life.  Maybe I'll learn to knit or take an art class, or maybe, just maybe, I will finally stop avoiding writing that 'someday' book.
  • Date Nights  My husband and I have had little to no time together outside of the moments of extreme fatigue at the end of the day when the kids have finally collapsed into bed.  When we went out for our anniversary this year, we realized that we hadn't been on a date since the anniversary preceeding this one.  That has to change!  Even if it's once a month, we've got to have that time.  It refreshes us and is only normal.
  • There Must be Music  Music is such a passion in this home, yet with all of the everyday duties, it can get put on a back burner very easily.  My husband is AN AMAZING drummer and I want to see him live his dream, Lord knows he has the talent.  I enjoy playing and writing music too.  Not that I am great.  Man, I wouldn't even say I'm good.  But that's not what makes something worthy of being done.  If it's enjoyable to be creative in that way, than do it!  Israel loves to sing and River loves making sound from any ole thing.  So make music we shall!
  • Reaching Out  I want to pick some new venture as a family.  Some form of reaching out that jives with all of us.  We want our children to be productive citizens.  We want them to find value in giving back, being a miracle to someone outside of ourselves.  We want to teach them that it truly is better to give than to receive, and what better way than to make it a group effort.  We want our boys to see the fun in giving, not the duty.  We want it to be normal, everyday life.
So that about covers all of the areas that are most important to me.  I feel like all of these goals will really transcend my ability to mother and to love my husband.  I feel that these mere resolutions will far surpass any expectations I might have, and will ultimately be more of a revolution for my life and my heart.
What are some things you are excited to aim for in 2013?

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