Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sheep in Wolves Clothing

There’s a way to disarmament that doesn’t hold a gun or a conditioned bribe. 
To the violent, you give your life, disarm him by leaving nothing for him to take.
Give the thief what he wants so that he doesn’t have to steal.
If you are slapped in the face, give them the other cheek as well, their hand will not raise as quickly the second time.

Do not concede to the ideas of oppression, but eliminate the theology of it at its core. Hate and hierarchy cannot stand when you give yourself in love!

Love re-exposes the heart, the humanity and creates room for redemption.
It is not a demanding knife to the throat. Because as soon as the knife is lifted, the heart is still stone.

There is a violence in passivity.  A violent revolution that begins when we become the need we see in peoples lives. 
As a can disarm the takers.  And the space you create for redemption will be beautifully birthed when there's revelation of getting what isn't deserved.
Serve instead of waiting to be served.

We cannot offer violence thinking it will birth redemption, salvation.
For only a wolf births wolves, and doves to doves.
A great teacher once reminded us that a seed sown can only produce it’s own kind.
Our seeds of violence that “protect,” really only birth a nation up in arms; a nation of vengeance. The nation that we have become. An empire.

The strongest sword there is, is also the weightiest.
Love carries a burden hard to swing, but once thrust, never misses.
We need to redefine justice; unlearn this world’s methods of “obtaining peace.”
Trade in our aggression for gentleness. A gentleness that recognizes the terrorist we are all capable of becoming.   

Any system which tries to arouse justice by encouraging violence in any form is counterfeit; it is manipulative and oppressive.
Executing a murder convict…doesn’t that just teach us that murder can be appropriate under the right conditions? This mindset only creates opportunities for more justified violence!
Who has put a higher price tag on one person than the other?

Rape is violent!  But what happens when the woman becomes pregnant? If she aborts, she has used the same measure of violence that was forced onto her, and on a being that was as innocent as she was.

Who is the real enemy anyway? I think that all injustice begins in our hearts and ends in our fist. All of the reasons of war, begin as entitlements in our heart. The war starts within us before it ever spills into neighborhoods, countries, and finally, the world.
We need to understand that our enemy is not another human, but the force that tries to destroy our brotherhood!!

Violence will always destroy our humanity. No matter which end of the gun you are on, there is a lifetime of confinement that you can never escape...all because you believed a lie that said they deserved it.

...And what do you deserve?...

Anytime we lower our humanity to violence, to conflict, we are letting that force rule in this world!

The true way to disarm a nation, is in violent passivity.
To be a sheep in wolves clothing.

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