Friday, September 7, 2012

Something Worthwhile

  I have been browsing through a ton of blogs, trying to find some that are unique and intelligent.  So far....I have found one.  Is there really nothing on any one's mind of importance?  There is so much going on in the world around us that is scary and also mystifying.  Yet all most people can think to share is a weekly post dedicated to what they wore that day.  BORING!  Even if you have fabulous taste, let me just say that there are more important messages that need to be seen by the rest of the world.  I don't care if you wear leggings or a dress Miss Doe in California, so please for the love of God, shut up!  Wear whatever kind of nail polish you want, just don't give me detailed photos on how you painted them sooo different than anyone else.   It's freaking nail polish! 
  I'm sorry if I have offended anyone that does these sort of blogs, I am exaggerating my feelings a tad.  Plus, you still have your share of followers and that's fine.  I just really wish that we would access a little bit of the depth that we were all born with, and start a new revolution in this world.  One that has nothing to do with shopping or our exterior.  But one that reveals our worth, our confidence, our lives.  For these are the things that truly matter.   So, what do you say....let's get deep together?


  1. Well said :) I try not to get too deep because then I come off preachy and nobody likes preachy. ;)

  2. Stopping by Blog Hop Everyday! Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can ;)

    Have a great weekend~

  3. I am planning to start a new blog soon. I am ready to go deeper. I will keep you posted. :)

  4. Hi there! I found you on the Blog Hop, I'm now a new follower. I'd love a follow back at and Pinterest! I follow back all of my Pinterest followers :)

  5. I go through the same issues searching for interesting blogs. especially ones that aren't giveaways; I"ll be back because well you sound interesting! Visitng from the hop and hope you find me itneresting too.

  6. Thanks Sandra, I will definately check out your blog very soon!
