Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Prove That You are Not A Robot

  My rant for today is about those idiotic things that pop up when you perform certain actions on the computer, like joining a new blog or ordering something online.  It's an obnoxious box that displays a random configuration of letters and numbers that are all warped and wonky, stretched out, smashed together, and generally disfigured.  You got the idea right?!  It is hardly legible, and has the statement 'Prove that you are not a robot,' typed above said box.   The purpose is to decipher a human from a toaster, and prohibit unauthorized happenings.  If you can read it and copy it....you are human.  If you cannot....you are computer.   So fundamentally, it's a good thing.  I don't want robots purchasing high end electrical contraptions at my expense.  But what irks me so bad is that you can't hardly read those friggen' things EVEN IF YOU ARE A HUMAN!  How am I supposed to interpret what is written when it is intentionally skewed beyond a normal persons recognition?!  So, after three or four tries, I am left to think that I might be part robot after all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm a new follower from the blog hop! Come visit me whenever you get a chance! :)

    Ugh word verification is the worst!

    (you have it btw, you can change it in your blogs settings)

    I just might be part robot too, because it takes forever sometimes LOL

    ♥ Shar
