Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Revelation of God - Revolution of Man

Taking the morning slowly to realize how happy I am that God is more than man.
He lays Himself down and becomes our road when everything else falls out from underneath us.  He fills all our cracks with Himself, and always does so humbly and with all of the love in the world.  He massages our heart when it slows from breaking.  He breathes life into our bodies over and over again, resuscitating hope when others have beaten it out of us.  When we find ourselves believing lies, He is there sharing Truth.  When people degrade and defame us, He is in their midst bringing conviction and shouting reality.  He never leaves, although we sometimes walk away from him.  He's a pursuer, a lover, a freer, and our father.  His very essence is purity.  His heart is for our security.  His hand is for our authority and His Truth, the main priority.
He is God....so high above us, yet he walks among us!  He infiltrates our thinking, corrects our judgement, and shows us each day how love responds.  He always forgives, and unlike man, even forgets.  He doesn't hold our past like an umbrella over our heads, hiding the sun; the goodness.  He is a God who moves on and urges each and everyone of us to do the same. 
It is possible for me to be like Him.  And that's the most amazing part.  With His help, His Spirit, I can walk like him, love like him, and show the rest of the world, that being a mere man is not enough.  We are immortal!  We are unmovable!  We are revolutionary radicals who are restored by His love!

1 comment:

  1. Wow ~ amazing! Please keep posting. I'm so very proud of you. I know you are speaking these words of truth over your family and loved ones...as well as into the air for all to embrace into their souls. I'm so thankful you are in my life!

    I love you,

    Mom Sustar
