Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Inspiration, Magic, and Whimsy!

This weeks inspiration is summoned by our big move to Tennessee.  The whole excitement of moving into a new home and getting to decorate with all of my favorite things drowns out the massacre of packing.  So here is a dash of what I love in a home.

a rug for the family room

a great side table

a turntable that will soon be mine

very cool diy mobile crate for all of the wonderful music that will fill our home
for cuddling on the couch

 a delicate handmade table runner

cheap wall art made with beautiful vintage handkerchiefs

clean and simple

a spice rack that compliments my cooking style...experimental

Four days until we say au dou and grab hold of this crazy new adventure.  Wish us luck!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Week 4 - February 21, 2013
Israel - so handsome
River - caring for his baby
Ahmi - never get sick of that face

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ten Stinkin' Days

Ten crazy days filled with packing and bubble wrap.  Ten days of organized chaos and living out of boxes.  Ten bewildering days of fatigue and excitement and sadness....and more excitement.  Ten days of raw emotion and running off of adrenaline and caffeine.  Ten days until our new adventure is en route and all of the excitement that's been buried under the tears will surface, surprise and welcome us.  Ten days. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Week 3 - February 16, 2013
Ahmi - our little mustachioed friend
Israel - doing what he does
River - overdosing on cheap Valentine's chocolate

Thursday, February 14, 2013

*Gag* Another Valentine's Post

I have been swept off of my feet today, and made to feel so precious. Really though, it's not a far cry from any other day (except I don't get presents at my bedside every morning).  I always wake up each morning and fall in love all over again.  I have an amazing husband who means the world to me, and apparently I do it for him to.  He is a lovely old soul and brings so much beauty into my world.  I am a lucky gal. 

Here is what I awoke to this morning.........

'Happy Valentime's'

  Valentine's Day was originally celebrated quite a bit differently than today.  So as you read here,  just let yourself get over the fact that it is now a major holiday in which we consume to much sugar and spend too much money(like every other day of the year), and just relish in the fact that you won't get flogged and 'borrowed' for the day.  I'll take chocolates over that any day!
  Let the beauty of today, albeit a very marketed day, be no different than the rest. Unless you are a total turd, then let it be completely different. :) Show your appreciation, love, and respect for the ones you love (and even the ones you don't).  Extend yourselves, grow in love, and BE the potential of what you have inside of you to be.  Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
What's one goal you have to be more romantic throughout the year? 
(Leave a comment for others to see)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Don't Move the Couch!

Israel is so sentimental it hurts. Over a year ago we bought a new couch, and Israel was having a hard time letting the old one go. There were some great memories.....snuggling, holding River for the first time, and pulling out the stash of random findings that made it feel like Christmas. So to Israel, this was much more than a couch, it was a symbol of his childhood.
When the delivery men arrived, Israel immediately ran to our bedroom because he couldn't bear to watch them handle his baby so carelessly, and to bring the traiterous new couch to it's home. While he was hiding out, we were making room and rearranging. As soon as the movers left, we went to Israel to comfort him, and to assure him that we now have a new couch to make new memories on. When we opened the door, we saw him sitting at the computer, mouse in hand, tears trickling down. As we approached, we glanced at the screen and realized that he was venting with his art. He drew this picture and underneath had written, 'Please don't move the couch!'

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Weekend In Pictures

our little maestro

pet stores are the only time we are thankful to not have large sums of money
he was actually talking to the dog and making it look him in the eyes
nom nom nom...a continental breakfast

a little too much lovins for Ahmi

Ahmi really enjoyed his first swim by kicking and splashing, while maintaining the most serious pool face one has ever seen.

a great big brother

While swimming underwater, Israel ran into Justin's butt.  Israel's red marks are proof of how hardcore his butt really is.

Nighttime pizza...which we severely underestimated.  In the end, the pizza won.
 Whenever we try to help River he just pushes our hands away and whines, 'Dop!' 

the last few moments of the night with my sweet jammied boy

Thursday, February 7, 2013



Week 2 - February 7, 2013
Ahmi - looking cute, no big deal
Israel - totally posing
River - as usual

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Knights and Dragons

For Christmas we got both Israel and River shields and swords (foam of course, beheadings are frowned upon in this home), and of course some capes too.  Israel is a knight.  Brave.  Noble.  River is dually a knight and a dragon.  They have awesome battles.  Although the weaponry isn't real....you wouldn't know that from the battle cries that pour from our windows as they fight 'to the death.'  Well okay, the screams of pretend fury are usually accompanied by laughter, but there is a lot of screaming!
I dub thee...Sir Israel

caught in mid-fight

prepared and itchin' for a fight

ferocious dragon

Sir Ahmcelot, a traitor under the bad dragon's spell

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Almost Disaster

Wow, two major fails for afterkidsaresleepingkisses. I took my glasses off to wash my face, forgot to put them back on, leaned in for what was supposed to be a sweet, yet light kiss on Ahmi's cheek. It was really more like a mild head butt since I had no depth perception. Then I moved on to River (this time glasses on). He fell asleep in Israel's room since he's gone for the weekend. It was dark. There were legos. There was lots of noise and half blurted profanities from the land mines under my feet. I kept trying to catch my balance, only to land on something more painful than what my foot found on the last step. Whew. Glad I didn't wake anyone up because it's 8:30 Friday night, and the boys are fast asleep.  Now the mister and I can have a night to ourselves.  Alone.  With no kids.  Yet more proof oh doubters, that there IS a God.