Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Inspiration, Magic, and Whimsy!

This weeks inspiration is summoned by our big move to Tennessee.  The whole excitement of moving into a new home and getting to decorate with all of my favorite things drowns out the massacre of packing.  So here is a dash of what I love in a home.

a rug for the family room

a great side table

a turntable that will soon be mine

very cool diy mobile crate for all of the wonderful music that will fill our home
for cuddling on the couch

 a delicate handmade table runner

cheap wall art made with beautiful vintage handkerchiefs

clean and simple

a spice rack that compliments my cooking style...experimental

Four days until we say au dou and grab hold of this crazy new adventure.  Wish us luck!


  1. Wanted to say bye to you guys Sunday, but did not see you afterwards. We will miss you all, but will hopefully keep up with you all on fb, or your blog. Praying only Gods good will and blessing for you and your beautiful family! love you...

  2. Thank you so much Renee! I really wish I could've given you a big hug goodbye. The love you have shown me will always be remembered. You are a beautiful and magnificent woman and I love you too! (We most definitely be in touch)
