Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Building Alters

Since the genesis of mankind, it has been in our nature to forget things.  Very important things at that.  We forget the type of things that we swear we'll  n e v e r  forget under the most dire of circumstances.    This is what happens.  Oh...maybe two months of peace, no inner struggles, no relational upheavals, finances are fine, cars are running, and children are behaving.  Suddenly, we have absolutely NO recollection of the very important, life-altering experience that we were supposed to remember for a lifetime. 

For some time now I have been sensing very strongly that God wants me to start building some alters.  To take these monumental events in my life, where I have recognized such a remarkable and profound truth, and to practice remembering them daily.   To cultivate a heart of gratitude.   To be grateful you cannot forget what was done for you (and through you). To stop in my tracks when there's revelation, and to build something that I can physically see for when my heart wants to forget.  An alter that I can lay myself on as a living sacrifice and let Jesus receive me...and in turn, being filled with him.  An alter that sets my standards a little higher than previous ones. To remind me of where a God so great, met me, a woman that's not so great, but so very loved.  An alter that will show me not to look in the shadows for answers, but in the sunshine of His presence, where He becomes all of my needs.

When my many alters are well established, it will be that much easier to set my energies on them; reliving the power of those moments, resetting my affections and my focus on something greater than the present moment.  I will set my eyes on eternity, not carnal reality.  Then and only then, will there be no time left in my day to maintain any regrets or failures or poor self image.  My mind and sight will be established on something rock solid.  Something so far removed from myself that it causes a piece of the broken me to die, and my true self to be emboldened not only with knowing that God can do anything for me...but that he wants to do everything for me...and with me!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Burning One

I want to be a light.
A vivid fire.
A torch to break the darkness.
A passionate...eternal...burning one.

I want to be an exuberant guide.
A vigil to goodness.
A funeral pyre of self.
An unwavering...radiant...burning one.

I want God's light to outshine my being;
leaving me faceless
A warm kiss
A lantern of love
A fire to warm yourself by.
A momentous...ever-renewing...enlightening...burning one.