Thursday, September 22, 2011

Keep Dreaming

In the magical land of make-believe this is how my day would be:

        I would awake with a kiss from my prince.  Singing birds would drape a blanket of daises around my shoulders.  I would float around the house on a cloud, only to discover that some sweet little hobbits cleaned for me.  The work was done so well that everything sparkled like diamonds in the sun. 
          Next, I would go to my wardrobe to choose from the many clean gowns that were just hanging there, so freshly adorned.  I would snap my fingers and be dressed in this beautiful gown.  It wouldn't be lumpy or misshapen in any way, and it would smell of the breeze and fresh lilacs.  I would enjoy the delicious meal that magically made its way into my oven, then go back to bed for a few hours while the fairy's of the forest entertained my two cute little elves.
Then upon awaking again, I could retreat to my enchanted tree house where I would write in scrolls and drink magical hot chocolate and view the kingdom from a different perspective. 

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