Steroids, antibiotics, industrial pollutants.Chemicals added for flavor.
Sedatives for a less stressed death.
Bigger, better, faster;
clouded minds and toxic by "better food."
Making cows cannibals for a kickback.
Interrupted profits by the death of a mad cow....take it off the shelf.
Chemicals causing cancer to make our food last longer.
Selling third-world countries chemicals proven too toxic for us, there standards lower
and we take full advantage.
Modified mayhem!
Soon chickens will have hooves,
but as long as their meat is "edible," I suppose we'll keep buying (from the hands of corporate sellouts).
Our men go under the scalpel...coming out with breasts.
"Hormone Replacement Therapy!"
What's so therapeutic about genetic mutation?
You can no longer tell what's being omitted,
what secrets are behind everything.
What you see is no longer what you get.
Men change to women, our mindsets are mutated.
Contaminants in our food attack our nervous system....
for the pleasure of taste?
Perhaps we should acquire a new pallate...?
ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer's...
they don't matter when compared to our meat having a shelf life of 300 years and then some.
FDA's protection, hah!
As good as a pimps cause he's selling her too.
They say, "a little doesn't hurt."
But to them I ask, "How much poop would you like in your brownies?"
Our world is becoming something outside of its creation!
I thought humans were supposed to advance, yet it seems that we have digressed to infancy...where we don't know the difference between poison and food, man and woman.
We hunt until we become greedy.
We kill for profit.
We change our gender because we are confused and have stopped asking the right questions....
we are all modified from what we once were.
Mutant America....because profit supersedes person!