Friday, August 5, 2011

Mistaken Identity

    I haven't written in a while.  I don't want to say that I have had writers block, because unfortunately, I scarcely run out of things to say.  I have consciously avoided blogging because I wanted to drown out my voice a little...well okay, a lot. 
    I think that it's good to cultivate quietness.  There is a continual hum and buzz that feeds into confusion and lies about who we are and what our purpose is.  I like to take an intentional break from it all to meditate on where I stand.  'Quiet' gets a bad rap in this day and age.  Every silent opportunity somehow morphs into distractions from what we really need to be facing.  And this time around, I focused long and hard on identity.  This is something God has really been encouraging me to look at with intensity.  
    We can so easily placate ourselves with what we like that it ends up becoming what we are.   Certainly what we like is a reflection of our heart, of greater things.  But it shouldn't completely define us.  I don't want to be reduced to fashion or wit.  I want to live from a deep well that satisfies with knowledge.  A knowledge and understanding of what is important, total abandon, and selflessness.  To know that I was 100 percent hand crafted by an immeasurable God and given the same spirit.  To live from Love and to simplify with Grace.  To value others because I understand they come from the same consecrated place.  And to honor our giftings since their purpose was for reproducing gifts for others.               
    While our culture urges us to be our own greatest adventure, I would like to challenge you to look for yourself in all of the right God Himself.  We cannot know ourselves unless we know him.  Fashion, media, intellect, can all be our cover up...our facade if you will, for the true individuals that we are.  With the massive identity crises in the world today, it is no wonder that there is an atmosphere of self absorption.  Not knowing where to direct our energies, we subtlety choose ourselves.  We idolize mediocre while God is shouting for us to look into his heart to glimpse the boundless mass of creativity and endless creatures that we are.
  Redirect your attention to Him.  Stop over consuming and trying to create worth from things that are intrinsically worthless.  Stop investing every ounce of your being and finances into 'creating yourself.'  You cannot outdo God, he has already created you.  Find Him, and you will find yourself tucked neatly away for safe keeping.   Are you happier with all of your stuff, or does that ravenous appetite still linger behind the shopping bags?    Don't cheapen yourself!  Let the God who fashioned you whisper in your ear the true and infinite worth that you hold.  Cut the price tag from your heart and no longer barter, trade, or sell yourself into oblivion.  You are a beautiful and original piece of art...don't let the static and distortion that is so readily available, transform your identity into a mass produced, plastic and sterile, cut out version of what you were really fated to be!