God is so deep and far more creative than we can fathom. In fact, His creativity has been studied since the beginning, and still there are questions we have no answers to. We have doctors, chemists, scientists, and astronomers (to name a few), that have spent generation after generation unfolding what God created in
6 days. And although we have made great strides and expanded our understanding, we are still finite in our thinking. We don't understand it all. Sometimes we have bursts of genius, but where does that genius take us really? To more questions. The depths God has poured into everything has totally outsmarted us all. I think part of it is for the sake of
mystery alone. God likes us to not know everything. It's what keeps us coming back to Him. It is also very exciting to get a glimpse, and only a glimpse. It keeps us sharp, on our toes, and in awe and adoration for the things we already understand. It helps us hold those experiences dear to us because of the measure of pain it took to reach that understanding.
Here is a glimpse of God's multi-dimensional ways. A reflection of the spiritual. A small and precious unraveling of the eternal. And a fresh reminder that God doesn't do one thing for one purpose alone. He slurps up every ounce of significance he can and he crams it into one event that can keep us unfolding and unfolding, and 2,000+ years later, still unfolding.
(You must understand that the Hebrew calendar established Sunday as the first day of the week. Sabbath was actually celebrated on Saturday.)
Jesus was crucified on what has now become known as Good Friday. Based on the Hebrew calendar, this was the 6th day of the week, When we parallel this simple fact to that same day in Creation, we realize that Jesus was killed on the day that 'God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, man and woman,' (Genesis 1:27). Due to the fall of man, we died to His spirit. We were no longer 'in the image of God,' so to make His word true, he sent His son to recreate us so that we could, once again, reunite with the Father. This allowed everyone after Adam to once again be made in the image of God.
The day Jesus was sealed in the tomb was Saturday, the 7th day. The very day in Creation when 'God finished the work he had been doing; so on this day he rested from all of his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done, (Genesis 2:2,3). This symbolizes the supreme rest Jesus had after his descent to hell to set the captives free, to take to heaven those kept safe from harm in Abraham's bosom, and from the pit of hell. He then rested, knowing that His children could enter into His presence because of the redeeming power of the cross.
The day Jesus arose was on Sunday, the first day of the week, the first day of Creation. The day that God 'separated the light from the darkness (Genesis 1:3); which is the exact reason that Jesus came to the earth to begin with. When he awakened from the grave, he awakened the world to the heavenly realm, to His realm. He opened the eyes and hearts of his children, and showed us truth. He gave us the power to not only
behold the light, but to
become it, one sacred step at a time.
Some people might think this is a stretch....that I've read into this too much. But I don't believe there are such things as coincidences. I KNOW that it simply reveals another mystery; one more dimension of the God who is infinite and good. A God who is before ALL things, is in ALL things, and in Him holds ALL things together (Colossians 1:17).