Isn't it amazing how confusing we can make love?
You take the simplest, most obvious, take-it-at- face-value, kind of equation of someone loving us
so much that they take our place in death so that we can live in freedom,
for the sake of freedom and being close to Him, and SOMEHOW we turn that into an ugly bout of judgement, striving, rudeness, inequality, dysfunctional bondage, and obligation.
What the?! Seriously, how can we misunderstand love?
We need to let go of our theology. Throw dogma to the wind. Stop breaking every word into tiny smithereens of justification.
Just love.
Just be.
Let your heart melt with the intimacy of knowing who God is and letting all of that other crap go. Don't trade precious moments in relationship for being right.
Don't worry about the external governing. Look to your heart, because the Lord has tucked His law there. Let your spirit...THE SPIRIT guide you into understanding.
Stop dissecting everything with your mind and open the interpretation to your heart. The point is not in being perfect. The purpose isn't to focus on what YOUR hands can do. The only part your hands play in this, is to remain opened. Stop making intimacy a labyrinth of craziness that no one wants to waste their time fumbling around. Never making it to the end. Never feeling the kiss. Just experiencing the let down you have become.
Take your complicated, ritualistic, superstitions from the equation. Calm your heart and mind long enough to be still. That is where you find
'the knowing.' Don't worry about sounding wise. Stop talking about '
Christian' things and
just breathe Christ. Choose love, and nothing but love. Do this and see how easy it really is. Then forgive all of us who have made it seem otherwise.