I don't know if our abundance of stupidity and silliness creates the lack of good photos, or if we really do just somehow look THAT stupid in all of our pictures. Regardless of why, here is the evidence of another photo op turned ugly. Bwahaha!
With my mind being in a constant upheaval of nonsensical imagery, I thought I would share the workings of my cynicism, the beauty of family, aspiring spirituality, and other more random findings.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
A Night of Cookies and Fun
This has been a very fun family weekend. No sickness.....just fun. Two of my nieces joined us for some mad cookie baking and games. We laughed, we ate too much sugar, and most of all, we enjoyed hanging out.
the blue food coloring made it easy to detect the icing sneakers
hard at work
mad decorating skills
His little Chinese cookie man
Chef Ahmi
icing cookies with Daddy
River's wearing his Christmas gift from Israel...this boy loves to help in the kitchen
(this is River's new face he puts on for the camera...say 'smile,' and this is what you get)
My mom was over too and was resting on the couch from all of the holiday busyness.
River couldn't resist a good cuddle and bah bah.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Resolutions, Revolutions
I don't typically make New Year's Resolutions because I always figured if something needed to change I should just flow with it in that moment. Let the change happen as it may. But this year, with so much going on, I just felt encouraged to 'see' the things that I aspire towards.
What are some things you are excited to aim for in 2013?
- Family Walks I really want to start taking daily walks again with my family. It was such a time of bonding and unwinding at the end of the day. We really like the time to regroup and refocus our attentions towards each other and just breathe a little.
- Relationship I want my relationship with God to be at a crazy new level this year. I want to be consumed by His heart, and really rid myself of any of the hardness that is residing inside of me still. I am excited to awaken more fully.
- Minimizing I feel like our lives have turned towards the crazy end of consumption and it is my goal to once again stay simple this year. I don't want to buy anything that I don't need unless it really has a special meaning and a proper place. I want our home to feel less cluttered and not have the nagging stress of 'now, where does this go?' I want to save the money I am tempted to spend and put it towards something that really matters....a donation to International Justice Mission....food for an entire family via Compassion International?
- Real Food or No Food I don't know how it's happened, but we have started down that road of processed food, one donut at a time. It is time to get out the cook books AT EVERY MEAL, and take out all of the refined no no's that do our health in.
- A Little Something for Me I have been super burnt out lately, and that is not even like me. I have to make a little wiggle room for the things I love in life. Maybe I'll learn to knit or take an art class, or maybe, just maybe, I will finally stop avoiding writing that 'someday' book.
- Date Nights My husband and I have had little to no time together outside of the moments of extreme fatigue at the end of the day when the kids have finally collapsed into bed. When we went out for our anniversary this year, we realized that we hadn't been on a date since the anniversary preceeding this one. That has to change! Even if it's once a month, we've got to have that time. It refreshes us and is only normal.
- There Must be Music Music is such a passion in this home, yet with all of the everyday duties, it can get put on a back burner very easily. My husband is AN AMAZING drummer and I want to see him live his dream, Lord knows he has the talent. I enjoy playing and writing music too. Not that I am great. Man, I wouldn't even say I'm good. But that's not what makes something worthy of being done. If it's enjoyable to be creative in that way, than do it! Israel loves to sing and River loves making sound from any ole thing. So make music we shall!
- Reaching Out I want to pick some new venture as a family. Some form of reaching out that jives with all of us. We want our children to be productive citizens. We want them to find value in giving back, being a miracle to someone outside of ourselves. We want to teach them that it truly is better to give than to receive, and what better way than to make it a group effort. We want our boys to see the fun in giving, not the duty. We want it to be normal, everyday life.
What are some things you are excited to aim for in 2013?
Monday, December 17, 2012
We have everything we need. Everything. Every smile we receive, every embrace we give, is a suggestion to remember the moments that truly matter. Although history shows our empires being built on the backs of slaves, we must daily awaken to the notion that no man or woman should be building ANYTHING other than an environment where peace and freedom can flourish. A place where we water the grass beneath us, not longing for different pastures. A place where we take care of each other and build communities instead of commodities. Where things hold little value, and peoples lives are exalted above our own. The best way to eradicate slavery is to live simply, being thankful for every precious thing we have in this world. To find an inner contentedness that no thief can upset or scandal offset. Don't spend your life working for 'things.' If you do, you are a slave who wastes his life on nothing. Work for the good of others, for justice to be restored, and fight daily for the revelation that you really do have everything you really need.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Coup d'etat
So this really just about sums up my week. Or two. I swear the kids have planned this coup and have meticulously thought out ways to overthrow my sanity. And energy. I feel like a big blob of gray matter. And while their diversions (and time outs) have kept me hopping, the real upheaval was just beginning. There has been a record number of messes, which I would like to say are accidental, but that would be lying. River has been in his glory with spitting...not sure where he learned this, but if it was you I wouldn't admit it. At least not to me.
The list ranges from a little bossiness all the way up to sticking hands into poopy diapers and wiping them on mom's face, and EVERYTHING in between. Yes, that was so fun. Nothing screams birth control like having a big deuce wiped on your nose and upper lip. Bwahaha! Seriously though, if it counts, (which it totally doesn't to the actual victim of such an atrocity) than I should tell you that it wasn't intentional. Well, at least not the wiping hands on mom part.
I have cleaned food up from some nooks of this house I didn't even know we had. River was like a rabid monkey flinging anything he could get his hands on. Heck, he liked time-out so much (weirdo), that he would deliberately do things and then put himself in the corner. Whew. Needless to say we have to get creative with our guidance and consequences for this dude.
After multiple time outs and toys taken this is a sample conversation...
Mom (and/or) Dad: 'River, you do not (insert naughty behavior here). That is (insert adjective of offense here) and we do not act this way. You can do (insert complete opposite reaction to offense here), but not (real offense here). Do you understand?
River: 'Ohhhh, aawigh (alright).'
Mom (and/or) Dad: 'So River...will you spit on Israel again?
River: 'Um....yeah.'
Mom (and/or) Dad: No River, you will not spit on Israel again!
***pause and let him digest***
'Will you spit on Israel again?'
River: 'Uh....yeah (now smiling...like a punk)
And this one conversation of course has to last like five minutes until he at last gives up the anarchy because he knows the machine he is raging against is much stronger and much more relentless than he. So yeah, a million of these conversations a day (plus any clean up), will wear a person down. He hasn't had a spell like this in a while. Thank goodness. We just do the only thing we know to do and that is love him, guide him, and be incredibly consistent with the discipline. We love our little twerps even if they make us mentally exhausted sometimes. They bring so much joy and laughter to our homes. Even when they misbehave, you just have to hand it to them. They're clever and creative. They have a gift. A dark gift, but a gift that once turned, will conquer the world! Mwahahahaha.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
= Four =
Four years. Today. The mister and I have had four years of loyalty, companionship, romance, and two beautiful, irreplaceable additions to our already astounding family of three. The days ahead only get brighter and brighter with the light of our love. We are unstoppable revolutionaries of God's perpetuating change and culmination of His grace. We are. In love. Still. And our happily ever after continues......
Friday, November 30, 2012
Giving Thanks ----> Part Four (Total Cuteness)
(I swear I don't have a favorite child. I know I seem to post more photos of Ahmi than anyone, but it's usually because he is nestled snug beside me; always there, ready for a photo shoot. I don't have to beg him to hold still, or fight with the inevitable motion the two older boys create for the camera. All three of my boys are spectacular and bright, entertaining, sweet, and so very innocent. I can't kiss one without kissing the other two. They are such dear and precious creatures. Enjoy their cuteness as much as we do.)
always being creative...he started a 'family picture dictionary' while we were away
River was rocking Ahmi and whispering shhhhhh
Ahmi LOVED his Aunt Kayla!
poser :)
Daddy kisses
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Giving Thanks ----> Part Three (Adventures)
During our holiday in Tennessee we decided simplicity was key. Lives are so busy with work, school, and errands, that we wanted to break from any busyness and just cozy ourselves in. There was a day that we ventured out on the town, and those moments are shared below.
family photo op at The Aquarium
little hanging Ahmlet
'Hey look...if that fish could talk, I bet he'd be a b*hole.'
a boy in his glory
Opry Mills Hotel...a night of marvelous lights and loads of fun for the kids.
(oh yeah, and ridiculous parking fees)
River only knew how to drive backwards in the peddle cars, and sweet and helpful Israel was trying to fix the broken one.
waiting patiently for their turn
special moments with Dad
Outdoor World is the coolest store ever. EVER!
be afraid. be very afraid.
off roadin' it
star gazing with family that we have missed so terribly...River was trying to grab 'the moom'
(our sweet nephew gave River his absolute favorite thing in the entire world...his motorcycle jacket, which as you can see, fits him quite perfectly)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Giving Thanks ----> Part Two (A Dash of Silly)
We had a lot of fun being our same, retarded selves. There were much uglier pictures, trust me. However, I deleted them before I double checked that they made it to my online stash first. (Insert pouting here). So these will have to do.
(The top picture is actually really sweet, and I am sad that I tossed the original since it was bigger and printable)
yes yes, that is my handsome husband
The dudes and their smooshy mugs
I am seriously thankful for my entire crazy family!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Giving Thanks ------> Part One
Over Thanksgiving, we were fortunate enough to be able to head down to Nashville to visit with family. We had a wonderful time that slipped from our hands a little too quickly. Here are a few moments from Thanksgiving morning.
a sleepy boy
fresh breath from his 'too too' train toothbrush
and a sink bath
The morning was slow moving for the little warriors. The adults rushed about the kitchen, chopping, simmering, and prepping. There was food, blue skies, Mad Gab, walks, laughter, and food comas.
There are plenty other pictures I will share from our adventures. Stay tuned for massive amounts of cuteness and silliness.
Monday, November 19, 2012
True North
God is.
My orientation.
My center.
He is my True North.
By orienting myself to His direction,
I find all other things.
I can gather my bearings,
follow His path,
and in the process learn to never again loose my footing.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Simplicity of Love
Isn't it amazing how confusing we can make love?
You take the simplest, most obvious, take-it-at- face-value, kind of equation of someone loving us so much that they take our place in death so that we can live in freedom, for the sake of freedom and being close to Him, and SOMEHOW we turn that into an ugly bout of judgement, striving, rudeness, inequality, dysfunctional bondage, and obligation.
What the?! Seriously, how can we misunderstand love?
We need to let go of our theology. Throw dogma to the wind. Stop breaking every word into tiny smithereens of justification.
Just love.
Just be.
Let your heart melt with the intimacy of knowing who God is and letting all of that other crap go. Don't trade precious moments in relationship for being right.
Don't worry about the external governing. Look to your heart, because the Lord has tucked His law there. Let your spirit...THE SPIRIT guide you into understanding.
Stop dissecting everything with your mind and open the interpretation to your heart. The point is not in being perfect. The purpose isn't to focus on what YOUR hands can do. The only part your hands play in this, is to remain opened. Stop making intimacy a labyrinth of craziness that no one wants to waste their time fumbling around. Never making it to the end. Never feeling the kiss. Just experiencing the let down you have become.
Take your complicated, ritualistic, superstitions from the equation. Calm your heart and mind long enough to be still. That is where you find 'the knowing.' Don't worry about sounding wise. Stop talking about 'Christian' things and just breathe Christ. Choose love, and nothing but love. Do this and see how easy it really is. Then forgive all of us who have made it seem otherwise.
You take the simplest, most obvious, take-it-at- face-value, kind of equation of someone loving us so much that they take our place in death so that we can live in freedom, for the sake of freedom and being close to Him, and SOMEHOW we turn that into an ugly bout of judgement, striving, rudeness, inequality, dysfunctional bondage, and obligation.
What the?! Seriously, how can we misunderstand love?
We need to let go of our theology. Throw dogma to the wind. Stop breaking every word into tiny smithereens of justification.
Just love.
Just be.
Let your heart melt with the intimacy of knowing who God is and letting all of that other crap go. Don't trade precious moments in relationship for being right.
Don't worry about the external governing. Look to your heart, because the Lord has tucked His law there. Let your spirit...THE SPIRIT guide you into understanding.
Stop dissecting everything with your mind and open the interpretation to your heart. The point is not in being perfect. The purpose isn't to focus on what YOUR hands can do. The only part your hands play in this, is to remain opened. Stop making intimacy a labyrinth of craziness that no one wants to waste their time fumbling around. Never making it to the end. Never feeling the kiss. Just experiencing the let down you have become.
Take your complicated, ritualistic, superstitions from the equation. Calm your heart and mind long enough to be still. That is where you find 'the knowing.' Don't worry about sounding wise. Stop talking about 'Christian' things and just breathe Christ. Choose love, and nothing but love. Do this and see how easy it really is. Then forgive all of us who have made it seem otherwise.
My Kids are Funnier than Yours
The hilarity began when River was making eyes at our rotisserie chicken and then holding it up to his ear as if it were telling him funny secrets. Then after dinner Israel laid on a boppy on the floor and pretended to be River's big baby. River stuck a binky in his mouth to calm him, and even covered him with a blanket so he could go 'nigh nigh.' It went a little too far when River tried to unzip Israel's pants while saying, 'Le poop, le poop, le poop.'
'No....it's okay, I don't need changed,' said the baby.
About 10 minutes later Israel bursts into a loud machine gun laugh while falling on the floor about to pee himself. I walk around the corner to see River holding my breast pump (and very accurately placed) up to his chest and working the hand pump like it's job. He said....'Mmmmm.'
The boys are constantly trying to prank us as well. I especially like the little restaurant bell on the floor right outside of our napping baby's room. It was a nice touch when I tried to make a silent exit. However, Ahmi is a great sleeper, so the joke was on them.
Getting down and playing some fancy air trumpets while in their undies is another special imprint they left on the day. Or River singing his hot dog song into his shoelace. How about when River proudly picks the sock fuzzies from his fat little feet, exclaiming 'No nam....no nam!'
There are dozens of moments like these every day. I am so glad I have children who know how to be themselves, and who have a great sense of humor. They are oddballs and total goofs. Sorry, my kids are funnier than yours!
'No....it's okay, I don't need changed,' said the baby.
About 10 minutes later Israel bursts into a loud machine gun laugh while falling on the floor about to pee himself. I walk around the corner to see River holding my breast pump (and very accurately placed) up to his chest and working the hand pump like it's job. He said....'Mmmmm.'
The boys are constantly trying to prank us as well. I especially like the little restaurant bell on the floor right outside of our napping baby's room. It was a nice touch when I tried to make a silent exit. However, Ahmi is a great sleeper, so the joke was on them.
Getting down and playing some fancy air trumpets while in their undies is another special imprint they left on the day. Or River singing his hot dog song into his shoelace. How about when River proudly picks the sock fuzzies from his fat little feet, exclaiming 'No nam....no nam!'
There are dozens of moments like these every day. I am so glad I have children who know how to be themselves, and who have a great sense of humor. They are oddballs and total goofs. Sorry, my kids are funnier than yours!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Outdoor Adventures
There has been some absolutely amazing weather lately that we have taken full advantage of. Here are some of our latest adventures.....
laughing at Mama
say cheese
collapsing after a long and climactic chase
static electricity and the joys it brings....namely shocking Mom
Evil Knievil stuff...no big deal
what Ahmlet did at the park
a long, beautiful walk at Johnson's woods (boys love to go anywhere a knife is acceptable)
River's 'walking stick'
helping River walk the log
happiness and family fun
There are plenty of laughs without the sunshine, but these few weeks of warm weather restored something in our hearts. An extreme gratitude. For all of our blessings, for there are many!
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